
Our Approach

Nothing Left to Waste offers 30 years of expertise rooted in a unique mix of operations, policy, program design and advocacy. We’re different because our solutions are bold but our implementation strategies are based on real world experience. We’re creative and collaborative in our approach and believe in the importance of building internal buy-in and understanding alternative scenarios. We believe that evaluation through tangible and quantifiable metrics allows our clients to exceed perceived limits. We’re passionate and committed and we won’t stop until there is nothing left to waste.

Alex Danovitch

Alex Danovitch

Alex brings a unique perspective to his work derived from over 20 years of experience in social enterprise development and advocacy around zero waste and recycling. With a strong operational, policy and entrepreneurial background, Alex excels in business and zero waste planning, financial evaluation and projections, waste system modeling, social and environmental impact quantification, recycling contracting and program design and systems evaluation. He utilizes his financial acumen and boots on the ground experience to provide real world solutions that move towards innovative system change. He is a co-founder, past vice president and current vice chair of the board of Eureka Recycling, a $14 million zero-waste nonprofit social enterprise. He has consulted with cities, colleges and universities, nonprofits and businesses around a broad array of zero waste projects. As a passionate advocate for the environment and social justice, Alex prioritizes opportunities to collaborate on creating new models of a circular economy that emphasize reduction and job creation.

Susan Hubbard

Susan Hubbard

Susan brings unique expertise in planning and operations of community based zero waste programs. Committed to waste reduction as the key strategy of authentic zero waste, she has for over 30 years, demonstrated success working in collaborative partnerships with individuals, governments, nonprofits, schools/universities, and businesses on innovative programs. Susan brings her experience with business planning, development and operations, public outreach, grant funding and financing, educational programs, strategic planning and policy development to the team. Susan has been recognized for convening diverse groups of stakeholders on waste reduction issues that resulted in actions that actually have and still are reducing waste! Prior to her work at NL2W, Susan was a founder and CEO of Eureka Recycling, one of the country's leading zero waste organizations.

glass recycling headshot

Ashley DiGergorio

Ashley followed a unique path to zero-waste work through her educational background in public policy, nonprofit management, sustainable economic development, and local governance. As a program manager in environmental nonprofit organizations for over five years, she has helped improve community recycling and waste reduction programs by leading public-private partnerships and promoting investment in local circular economies. Ashley brings experience in grants management, integrated planning, project development, policy analysis, and advocacy to her work. Prior to her work at NL2W, Ashley worked at PA Resources Council helping to lead a grassroots effort to restore glass recycling to Western PA and at Watersheds of South Pittsburgh assisting in regional integrated water management approaches.